Random thoughts from an idiot
Friday, August 19, 2005
  There's Green Bean Juice in My Dumplin's!

So, I went to lunch with the guys from work today. We went to Cracker Barrel. (one of the best restaurants around in my mind) We happened to be with one of the Japanese guys from the office. He happens to speak better English than most of the white people that I work with. When it came time to order, Yoshi decided to get a sandwich as he is watching his diet. This is when the often ill-mannered co worker we call Papaw busted out with the poor Asian impression saying "I rould rike da flied rice".

So, this is how the meal started. Let's keep in mind that Papaw is the same guy that tries to get sprite refills on his water. This is the point in time where we all start to feel uncomfortable. The waitress is hearing all of this. On top of that one of her co workers happens to be the wife of one of the guys I am dining with. We sit through most of the meal in an uncomfortable silence. Then the food starts to arrive and everything looks great.

As the waitress hands Mike (the frufru IT guy who smells of bath and bodyworks lotion) his plate he exclaims "The green beans are supposed to be on the side". As we all look at him he states to the waitress, "I am not paying for it unless it is the way I want it". We continue to look and he offers up this dandy. "The green bean juice is all over everything". I am now in shock. I thought we got over this shit as kids. There happen to be a lot of things I don't eat. These fall under the category of things I don't order. I could not believe he was being such a little bitch. The waitress takes the plate and soon returns with his new plates. This time his green beans are safely restrained from touching his Dumplins.

As we are about to finish Mike reaches across the table for a corn muffin. The waitress happens to be asking about refills at this time so I take the opportunity that has presented itself to me. The corn muffin is sitting right next to a biscuit. I tell mike he can't have it. He proceeds to ask me why not. I then tell him "obviously it has biscuit juice all over it". We all laugh at Mike, including the waitress. Then he gets very quiet and starts to pout like a 7 year old girl instead of a 35 year old man. I fully assume that he is now monitoring all of my emails in an effort to catch me wasting company resources.

Now, there are a couple of normal guys that I work with, but after meals like this I remember why I skip lunch 4 days out of the week.
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