Random thoughts from an idiot
Friday, August 13, 2010
  It's me.
You may eventually see something from me here again.
I am not gone. TheAlan is still with you.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
  Family Photo from late last year
Sunday, January 15, 2006
  Facial Hair Olympics 2006
Well, A couple of weeks ago we finished the 2006 Facial hair Olpympics.
This is a one week event that takes us through 5 categories.
The schedule of events goes as follows.

Monday: Grizzly Adams
Tuesday: Groomed Beard
Wednesday: Freestyle
Thursday: Goatee
Friday: Mustache

and the winners are:

"Dirty old man" "The Red Storm" "Backbeard's Ghost"
"Midnight Voodoo" "Troubled Waters"

If you will notice, The Alan won 2 of these categories.
He also won Best in Show.

The way this all works is that the Participants start training 8-10 weeks prior to the event.
In our case, it was the first week of October and the Events were staged 1 per day the week of
January 2nd. The first day was the Grizzly Adams, then the Groomed Beard, Followed by the
Freestyle, the Goatee and the Mustache.

If you or anyone you know particpates in such an event please share with me and next year we
can make it an inter company event.

Coxilla, OUT!!!!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
  Exciting offer to the highest bidder!
Please take a moment to look at this great offer on Ebay. This is up for the highest bidder to get a hold of. I have seen it and held it first hand but sadly can't afford to bid on it because my wife bought an RV last week on Ebay. So, I am now sinking all of my money into making it habitable by next spring. If you don't want it then you can always buy it for me for Christmas.http://cm.ebay.com/cm/ck/1065-29296-2357-0?uid=89550442&site=0&ver=LCA080805&item=5629159795&lk=ItemDescriptionANDimage
Sunday, October 16, 2005
  Beware of man eating Pelicans
Apparently these birds have been the scourge of the Japanese for centuries. This must be why the Japanese guys I work with are always so angry. They have been forced to come to America and these man eaters are still in Japan eating their families. While the birds prefer asian cuisine, they will eat Americans.

First off, please be patient with your Japanese handlers and realize that this is why they treat you like a pile of bloody shit.

Secondly, any of you that work in customs or in the import business, please be careful when you are opening containers. There are reports that state that many of these birds have made their way to the U.S. by accident much like those beattles you see all over the place these days. I really doubt that it is accidental, I think it might be payback for some things that happened in the 40's

Monday, August 22, 2005
  No one even needs to say I told you so.

So, I didn't tell you all of the details of my Saturday. If you will recall, I told you that I went to a carnival took a nap and watched the Cubs. I even told you about my jog but I did not didn't give you all of the details.

I got back home from the carnival around 4pm. When I got here, I thought to myself; Self, it looks like a great time for a jog.

Then I said to myself; Self, You don't need those sneakers your wife found for you the other day. There is no reason to dirty a pair of socks for a 10 minute jog.

Then I said to myself; Self, That black top is probably pretty hot, better be careful. As I left, following my son on his bike, the blacktop was warm but not hot. As I got to the half way point which is 1/2 mile from my home I started to realize I was developing some blisters.

Then I said to myself; Self, you can't slow down even though this hurts. If you slow down you will only be out here longer. So I continued to jog home. I got here and could see the blisters forming.

I took my nap and when I woke up they had swollen. I lanced the blisters open, cleaned up the yellow fluid that spewed forth and watched the Cubs game. After that I went to bed.

I woke up about 3 am and the blisters had closed up. I had to do something as my feet were in terrible pain. So I said to myself; Self, this is going to hurt. I took a pair of toe nail clippers and cut half of the blister off. This was quite a mess and the fluid just kept coming. I went back to bed after this.

When I woke on Sunday I put a couple of band-aids on each of them and then put on my socks and shoes. As the day went on I could feel the remaining skin from the blisters tugging at the rest of the skin covering my feet.

I made the decision that rest of the skin had to come off. I said to myself; Self, this skin has to come off and it is going to hurt like a sonofabitch. As I cut my feet up a little bit more I realized that Monday was going to be rough getting around at work. As I was hobbling through hell today I came to the conclusion that I had to come clean and put this on my blog. This is the only way that you can really be part of the Alan Cox experiment.

So, I hope you all gained a little something from what you have read here today. Maybe there is another dumbass out there that would like to share his story. Maybe you will all just feel the need to say "man what a retard". Whatever it is, please let me hear it.

Friday, August 19, 2005
  There's Green Bean Juice in My Dumplin's!

So, I went to lunch with the guys from work today. We went to Cracker Barrel. (one of the best restaurants around in my mind) We happened to be with one of the Japanese guys from the office. He happens to speak better English than most of the white people that I work with. When it came time to order, Yoshi decided to get a sandwich as he is watching his diet. This is when the often ill-mannered co worker we call Papaw busted out with the poor Asian impression saying "I rould rike da flied rice".

So, this is how the meal started. Let's keep in mind that Papaw is the same guy that tries to get sprite refills on his water. This is the point in time where we all start to feel uncomfortable. The waitress is hearing all of this. On top of that one of her co workers happens to be the wife of one of the guys I am dining with. We sit through most of the meal in an uncomfortable silence. Then the food starts to arrive and everything looks great.

As the waitress hands Mike (the frufru IT guy who smells of bath and bodyworks lotion) his plate he exclaims "The green beans are supposed to be on the side". As we all look at him he states to the waitress, "I am not paying for it unless it is the way I want it". We continue to look and he offers up this dandy. "The green bean juice is all over everything". I am now in shock. I thought we got over this shit as kids. There happen to be a lot of things I don't eat. These fall under the category of things I don't order. I could not believe he was being such a little bitch. The waitress takes the plate and soon returns with his new plates. This time his green beans are safely restrained from touching his Dumplins.

As we are about to finish Mike reaches across the table for a corn muffin. The waitress happens to be asking about refills at this time so I take the opportunity that has presented itself to me. The corn muffin is sitting right next to a biscuit. I tell mike he can't have it. He proceeds to ask me why not. I then tell him "obviously it has biscuit juice all over it". We all laugh at Mike, including the waitress. Then he gets very quiet and starts to pout like a 7 year old girl instead of a 35 year old man. I fully assume that he is now monitoring all of my emails in an effort to catch me wasting company resources.

Now, there are a couple of normal guys that I work with, but after meals like this I remember why I skip lunch 4 days out of the week.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
  Kids are off to school today

So, After working late last night, I made it up early to have breakfast with the older kids this morning. My wonderful wife made use cheese omelets and sausage links. I felt bad for working late last night because I know the house was full of excitement with the kids getting ready for the first day of school. So, I told my wife to wake me for breakfast. I remember what the first day of school was like. All of the excitement. You could see people you hadn't seen for months. You had a new teacher. You were 1 year closer to high school. Man that was the life. If I had only known then what I know now I would have intentionally failed and stayed in. Anyway, this is Zach and Olivia, my 2 oldest kids. Hopefully they do not figure out that staying is school should be their ultimate plan. I hope to see them graduate on time in a few years so that they can get down to business making a fortune of their own and supporting me!

I worked until 9:00 pm tonight after going in an hour early too. I was there by 7:00 am. So, if my math is right I worked 14 hours. Yesterday was 14 hours and 45 minutes and Monday was 11 hours. This is getting stupid. I am usually very good at working 8:45 minutes a day. (the minimum required) This just happens to be one of two very busy times of the year in the auto industry. There are a lot of new parts starting up and old ones going away. It will be over soon enough and I can get back to the old 8 and out.

I guess I am going to get some sleep now. I will see you on the flip side.

Monday, August 15, 2005
  Monday 8/15 I found my shoes!
My wife (Colleen) found my running shoes today. This is a good thing. I have not had these for along time. I ran the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon in them in May of 04. Then they went in to storage. We sold our old house last February. We moved into this house in late June this year. I have been thinking about getting back in shape. I had never been a runner until about 6 months before the 04 mini marathon and I have not run since. I have only had 1 cigarette since last Wednesday. This is tough, I was up to about a pack a day again.

Oh well, back to the shoes. I am glad to have them. I am kind of all or nothing when it comes to being healthy. I decided to start running and stop smoking, so I did it. For the past week I have been running barefoot through the neighborhood on the asphalt. It wasn't too bad but I am sure the neighbors think I am thoroughly strange. That's okay, I don't like most people anyway. I am actually getting my privacy fence built this week and next.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
  This is me

Not the best picture in the world but one of the few pictures of Alan S. Cox. This was taken in the hospital after Cooper was born.
  Newest addition to the Cox house (Cooper)

This is baby Cooper. He was born on 7/24. 8lbs 12 oz. 22.5 inches. He is now 3 weeks old and a pretty cool feller.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
  Cox World
Welcome to my world I will try to share interesting things about my life from time to time.
I am certain that you will find them quite droll and boring, but it is my life.
Don't take life too seriously; You will never get out alive.

My Photo
Location: greenfield, Indiana, United States

I have a wonderful wife of 8+ years. I have 2 sons and 2 daughters.

August 2005 / October 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / August 2010 /

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